Wm Spear Design Catalog

Gray Whale - Pin
Price: $16.00
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    Zipper pull also available. There are estimated to be about 11,000 gray whales.

The Gray Whale is the one everyone gets so excited about seeing on the West Coast of the U.S. They inhabit the North Pacific both east and west, and on this side migrate up and down the coast. They start to show up around November in Oregon and Northern California. They are in San Francisco by mid-December and in San Diego by Christmas. They go on down to Baja California where they mate; a kinky sort of deal where the act takes three to tango. The male brings along another guy to sort of help out...no kidding. The extra buddy sort of leans on his more fortunate pal to, what, keep him on target? Love is strange. SIZE: 1.75"X.5"

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230 Seward St
Juneau, Alaska 99801
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