Wm Spear Design Catalog

All Seeing Eyes - Pin
Price: $16.00
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    The eyes just stare out at you from across a room.

I don't know where to 'categorize' these in the catalog. They are an icon I guess. There is nothing "official" about them. It is only my representation of the Eyes which one might see in Nepal on the side of a temple. Certainly it's way cooler than the tired old Yin and Yang which is rivaling the wolf howling at the moon for triteness these days. There is nothing lightweight about this pin which looks very heavy duty. No one will laugh when you wear it. But neither is it threatening. It is a genuine talisman. SIZE: 2"x.5"

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Wm Spear Design - The World's Most Wonderful Enamels

230 Seward St
Juneau, Alaska 99801
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