Wm Spear Design Catalog

Nuke - Pin
Price: $9.00
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    Oldie but goodie. We don’t have many fossil bullets left to replace fossil fuels as our source of energy. We have wasted a huge amount, on especially wind energy. (They are taking 20 year old delaminated wind turbine blades from California and burying them in "flyover country" Wyoming. They do. It degrades.) The sooner you get on gen four nuke the more likely it is that you will not spend your declining years freezing and starving in the dark. That is the way humans have lived for thousands of years, with the exception of the last hundred or so. You can believe Greta, or you can listen to the curmudgeons. We love physics.

SIZE: .5"

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Wm Spear Design - The World's Most Wonderful Enamels

230 Seward St
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Phone Orders: (907) 586-2209

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