Wm Spear Design Catalog

Liver - Pin
Price: $14.00
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    The largest internal organ of vertibrates.

The largest internal organ of vertibrates, in a human it weighs 3-4 lbs. Processing about 3 pints of blood per minute, the liver filters out toxins and other waste as well as steroids, estrogen and various hormones. The organ stores many vitamins and minerals and it also produces many essential elements and proteins and synthesizes cholesterol. One of the hardest working organs, its activities generate a lot of heat and can raise body temperature. Give serious consideration to letting someone else use your liver when you're through with it! A small form of immortality. SIZE: 1.5"X1

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Wm Spear Design - The World's Most Wonderful Enamels

230 Seward St
Juneau, Alaska 99801
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